Empowering Armenia's Children: A Journey of Compassion and Inclusion

In just one month, the RODS Heroes team has the profound opportunity to travel to Armenia and make a lasting impact on the lives of orphaned children and the disability community. This journey is about so much more than just a trip - it's about celebrating the incredible worth and dignity of all people, regardless of their abilities.

Why Armenia? Children with Down syndrome in Armenia face a difficult future, with about half of them cared for in state-run institutions rather than at home. Experts and parents argue that more support is needed for families with disabled children to keep them together. The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs reported that last year, 45 newborns with Down syndrome were registered in Armenia, and 22 of them ended up in children's homes.

At the heart of this mission is our commitment to finding forever families for the young children, many of whom are 5 years old and under, who are living in orphanages. A significant number of these precious kids have Down syndrome, a reality that should not define them, but rather inspire us to show the Armenian people the immense value these children possess.

Our goal is to compassionately advocate and educate, to shift perspectives and open hearts. We want to demonstrate that keeping children with Down syndrome is not only possible, but a gift that enriches families and communities. These children have so much to offer the world, and we are honored to be their voice, to celebrate their disabilities, and to walk alongside them on their journey.

On our trip, we will be bringing along incredible Down syndrome advocates like Sofia Sanchez, a 16-year-old girl with Down syndrome who was adopted from Ukraine at a young age. Since her adoption, she has defied the odds and blossomed into a successful career in acting and modeling, being featured in major motion pictures.

We’re overjoyed to announce that Down syndrome advocate Misty Snyder will be joining our trip. Her social media account, “Happiness is Down syndrome,” has inspired audiences worldwide with over 100k followers. She teaches us about the amazing superpowers that children and individuals with Down syndrome possess.

This is a life-changing opportunity that extends far beyond just one month. The connections we make and the impact we aim to create will reverberate for years to come. Our ultimate goal is to find homes for each of these orphaned children and inspire the Armenian people to keep their children with disabilities.

Join us by helping us “See Their Light”. Get involved by leaving us a comment here, following us on social media, donating to our mission, and best yet, inquiring about the incredible children waiting for their forever families.

Read the full article about Down syndrome Stigmas in Armenia here


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